Poker Pays for My Great Lifestyle
A vast amount of people try to steer well clear away from any type of gambling because they hear bad things about the game, but I do think that it is misinterpretated and gambling can be good.
I personally began playing when I was about 20 years old and to be truthful I lost quite a bit of my cash when I first began, I believe it was because I was a bit naïve and thought I was the best player. But I decided to do something about it so I read manuals both online and offline, I was getting great at the game.
My speciality was poker, I was basically the king of bluff and no one could defeat me, I regularly went to my casino and was earning a bit of extra pocket cash. It was not until I got my first internet connection that I got obsessed with something called Rakeback, but it was a lot different online and a whole new ball game, things were a lot harder because you could not see who you were playing against and the whole purpose of poker is being able to tell when someone is bluffing. I again lost a bit of cash to start with but then I started to master the art.
There was a bigger audience online with meant that payouts were a lot larger, and if you win only a couple of them then you start to make some serious cash. Within a few years I had bought a luxury house, a small yacht and a couple of nice cars, I still play online poker twice a week and am raking in a good amount, although I do sometimes have my bad days I would never change my life for a second and for every that moans about gambling, they should first try it to see what an exciting game it can be.
For great games of betfair poker and littlewoods poker enjoy winning great jackpots and getting rakeback