Sit and Go Poker Strategy – Be Prepared
Do you take the time to mentally prepare yourself prior to engaging in a round of online poker?If you answered no, well don't feel bad, the mass population of online poker players are right there with you.
Successful Players Prepare Their Mind
Would it shock you to know that with as little as 5 to 10 minutes of prep time you could be playing smarter, more profitable poker each and every session? Sit and Go Poker Strategy requires many different elements and mental preparation is at the top of the list.
Have you ever watched the movie “Happy Gilmore”?In the movie the main character, Happy, is having difficulty in concentrating on his putting game. His coach, Chubbs, tells him how to mentally create his very own “Happy Place” where all is good and there are no worries or distractions. You need to develop your “Happy Place” for online poker.
In today's day and age we have so many every day distractions at our disposal.Eliminating these human distactions is a key element of your mental preparation stage.No matter how awesome your "Happy Place" may be, it can all come tumbling down if you allow outside distractions to leak in.
Building a Preparation Routine is Simple
It may be ackward and difficult at first but if you construct a routine for mentally preparing yourself and go through it each and every time you get ready to play a round of online poker, you will see a vast difference.
The Real Question is “Do You Want To Win Consitantly?”
Although it may sound silly to some, poker is a game of wits, intelligence, and luck.If you take the time to mentally prepare yourself, you will be in a position so far ahead of 90% of the competition. Take the time to develop your own Sit and Go Poker Strategy.